TESDA is offering FREE training for Driving NC II under Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). The Training facility will be at Loon Manpower Development Center. Submit your application today at the LMDC Admin. Building (8:00 am – 5:00 pm | Monday – Friday)
DETAILS (from LMDC Page):
Training Duration: 118hrs | 15days | Mon-Fri | 8:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.
To qualify, you must be:
- at least 18 yrs above
- mentally and physically fit
- preferably with Student License Permit
Entry Requirements:
1 ) Four (4) pcs 1×1 ID Picture
2 ) Two (2) pcs passport size ID picture with white background and with collar
3 ) Two (2) Photocopies of birth certificate/ marriage contract (for married women)
4 ) Two (2) Photocopies of Diploma/Transcript of Records/Form 137
5 ) Barangay Clearance
6 ) Certificate of Good Moral
7 ) Medical Certificate
8 ) Photocopy of Student License Permit
For more inquiries call our Hotline no. 09229417436 | 09279935466
or visit Loon Manpower Development Center Official page
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