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For SY 2019-2020

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is now accepting application for the Student Financial Assistance Programs (StuFAPs) for incoming freshmen and college level for school year 2019-2020.

StuFAPs is a program that aims to provide financial assistance to students who are enrolled in an authorized public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs.) This helps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all specially to underprivileged and deserving student. Qualified beneficiaries shall enroll or must be currently enrolled in any CHED priority courses and shall receive a financial assistance amounting to Php 6,000.00 to Php 15,000.00 per semester which ever program an applicant qualifies.

Who may apply?

  • Senior High School Candidates for Graduation
  • Senior High School Graduate
  • ALS or PEPT Passers
  • College level


  1. CHED StuFAPs Application form (available here or at IT office of LGU Loon)
  2. 1 pc 2×2 picture
  3. Grades:
    • Senior High School Applicants
      • 1st & 2nd semester grades (2nd semester midterm grades if final grades are not available)
    • College
      • Certificate of grades in all subjects in completed semesters.
    • ALS Passers
      • Photocopy of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Accreditation and Equivalency Test passer Certificate (Secondary Level)
    • Philippine Education Placement Test Passers
      • Photocopy of Certificate of advancing to the next level
  4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the last school attended
  5. Any one of the following:
    • Certificate of Indigency
    • Case Study from DSWD of Certificate of no income
    • Certificate of Tax Exemption (BIR)
    • Latest Income Tax Return (ITR)

What are the CHED Priority Courses?

Here are the CHED priority courses for 2019 where qualified beneficiaries of CHED Regular Programs shall be directed to enroll:

Deadline of accepting the application is on April 20, 2019

For more information please contact:

Skills Training and Scholarship Coordinator