To promote sports and develop the talents of the Loonanon young generations towards the scene of sports popularity, thereby gaining prestige to this town
It has been observed that the municipal waters, including fish or marine sanctuaries, are frequently visited by tourists and other users
There is a need to regulate all solicitation activities in the Municipality of Loon in order to curb its proliferation
The creation of the aforementioned position is in line with the thrust of the Municipal Government for better service in the Waterworks System
Battle of Moalong was the most successful ambush mounted by Boholano guerillas against foreign aggressors during the Second World War
That there is a need to adopt the principle of unity in diversity by classifying job order employees of this municipality with their respective wages
No person shall operate an internet café in the Municipality of Loon without first securing a permit and license from the Municipal Mayor
That the franchise will be for a period of twenty-five (25) years starting from the approval of this ordinance renewable at the option of both…
The abolition and creation of the aforementioned positions in the 2001 Plantilla of Personnel is in line with the trust of the Municipal Government