Municipality of Loon Mayor Elvi Peter L. Relampagos (center, 4th from left) serves as the special guest and assisted in the ribbon cutting during the grand opening and blessing of DU EK SAM-Loon on November 5, 2027 in its new location at Cogon Norte, Loon, Bohol. With Mayor Relampagos are from left: Engr. Carl Ryan Du Lim, Engr. Edcel Uy Du, Ms. Sayaka Arai and Mr. Jomel Jerezo. In the other photo, Mayor Relampagos is shown with (from left): Dr. Tom Jushua Du Lumapas, Ms. Marilou Du Lumapas, Mr. Akihiro Yamaguchi and Engr. Carl Ryan Du Lim.
Source: Social Media Post of Mr. Adam Saligumba