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Mandates and Function

     Republic Act 7160 Section 16 – General Welfare or the Local Government Code of 1991 states that every local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental of its efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of the general welfare.

     The priority thrusts and programs of The Local Government Unit of Loon is anchored on the basic principles of sustainable development that responds to the increasing needs of the public and the challenge of effectively and efficiently maintaining a dynamic administrative machinery that will realize the goals and objectives of the local government and the aspirations of the constituents.

LGU-Loon shall:

•     Promote health and safety
•     Enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology
•     Encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities
•     Improve public morals
•     Enhance economic prosperity and social justice
•     Promote full employment among the residents
•     Maintain peace and order
•     Preserve the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants
•     Ensure and support the preservation and enrichment of culture

EXECUTIVE SERVICESELVI PETER L. RELAMPAGOSProvide overall leadership in the management of the LGU as a government corporation and public service institution
LEGISLATIVE SERVICESLLOYD PETER M. LOPEZ, MDProduce quality legislation s and resolve administrative cases and boundary disputes
MUNICIPAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT OFFICEFormulate integrated economic, social, physical & other development plans & policies for consideration of the Local Development Council.

Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different programs, activities and projects in the LGU in the conformity with the approved development plan.
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICERegister all births, deaths, marriages and other legal documents within the municipality
MUNICIPAL BUDGET OFFICEReview and consolidate budget proposals of the different departments and offices in the LGU.

Assist the LCE in the preparation of the Annual and Supplemental Budget and during Budget Hearings.

Study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislations and submit comments and recommendations thereon.

Act as member of the Local Finance Committee
MUNICIPAL TREASURER’S OFFICETake custody of public funds and exercise proper management of resources
MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING OFFICEThe Municipal Accounting Office shall take charge of both the accounting and internal control systems of the Local Government Unit of Loon.
MUNICIPAL ASSESSOR OFFICEAn Office mandated to conduct appraisal and assessment primarily for taxation purposes of all real properties in the local government unit concerned and to ensure that laws and procedures governing the appraisal and assessment of all real properties are properly executed
MUNICIPAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION & MANAGEMENT OFFICEUphold the People’s Constitutional Rights to Life and Property, By Addressing the Root Causes of Vulnerabilities to Disasters,
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity for DRRM and Building the Resilience of Community to Disasters, Including Climate Change
RURAL HEALTH UNITTo provide basic health services and promote healthy lifestyle
MUNICIPAL SOCIAL & WELFARE DEVELOPMENTAn Office mandated to provide social protection, and promote the rights and welfare of the disadvantaged in the municipality
MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURE OFFICETo promote agricultural and fisheries development and growth
MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING OFFICEAn all –weather, safe municipal road network for efficient transport services maintained by an organizational of empowered employees through an effective construction and maintenance system.
A well – coordinated infrastructure development program that supports the eco-cultural tourism and agro-industrial thrusts of the municipality.
LOON WATERWORKS SYSTEM OFFICETake the water rates and exercise proper management of resources

Maintain and regulate an efficient waterworks system for a safe supply of potable water for the people of the Municipality
MARKETAdminister the operation of Market of LGU and recommend strategies, actions for its improvement and development.
SLAUGHTERHOUSE OPERATIONTo promulgate and implement policies, local ordinances, guidelines, rules and regulation governing good quality of meat and meat products through various stages of proper handling and inspection to protect the interest, health and general welfare to the public.
HUMAN RESOURCE & MANAGEMENT OFFICEAs stipulated in Republic Act 7160 or the 1991 Local Government Code, Title Three, Section 77, the office is responsible for human resource and development and take all personnel actions in accordance with the Constitutional provisions on civil service, pertinent laws, and rules and regulations thereon, including such policies, guidelines, and standards as the Civil Service Commission may establish.
LOON MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT CENTERThe Loon Manpower Development Center is an agency of the Local Government Unit of Loon that is tasked to manage and supervise technical education and skills development for Loonanons in adherence to the training rules and regulations of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
MUNICIPAL TOURISM OFFICEThe Municipal Tourism Office encourages, promotes, and develops tourism as a major socio-economic activity to generate income and local employment and to spread the benefit of tourism to the community with the support, assistance and cooperation of both the private and public sectors.
MUNICIPAL INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS & TECHNOLOGY OFFICEThe office is responsible in the implementation of ICT roles and responsibilities as stated under Executive Order No.12 Series of 2024” Creating The Information and Communication Technology Office under the Office of the Mayor” such as development, design & maintenance of computer-based information systems for various offices/departments of the LGU Loon
BUSINESS PROCESSING & LICENSING OFFICEBusiness Permit and Licensing Office is responsible in processing business permits both new and renewal of the various business in the municipality.

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