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Loon Municipal Police Station

Bohol Police Provincial Office

August 15, 2023

Team Loon Police Accomplishments during the Weekly Conduct of Anti-Criminality Law Enforcement Operations

Loon Municipal Police Station intensified campaign against all forms of criminality and the continuous aggressive roll out of law enforcement operations has been carried out strictly which helped ensures that crimes are prevented if not eradicated all together from the community.

This intensified anti-criminality law enforcement operation is an all-out police operation against drug personalities, most wanted persons, bearers of loose firearms among others and other forms of criminalities which has become a contributing factor in the decline of crimes in the country along with the strict enforcement of the law without fear and favor.

With these continuous efforts to better serve and protect the communities, numerous notable accomplishments were made by our Team Loon Police with the active leadership of the Chief of Police (OIC), PCPT VICTOR P TAGSA, JR.

An intensified anti-gambling operation was conducted at Barangay Catagbacan Norte, Loon, Bohol by the operatives of Loon Municipal Police Station that yielded to the arrest of one individual identified as alias “Silvano” in the afternoon of August 12, 2023, Saturday.

According to PCPT VICTOR P TAGSA, JR, Chief of Police (OIC), the suspect was arrested by the operatives of Loon Municipal Police Station under his leadership while caught in the act engaging in an illegal gambling activity specifically “Swertres” in which an improvised bet slip, improvised tally sheet, carbon paper, a ballpen and bet money were confiscated during the said operation.

Meanwhile, on August 13, 2023, Loon Municipal Drug Enforcement Team led by PCPT TAGSA, conducted an anti-illegal drugs operation (buy-bust operation) that resulted to the arrest one suspect at Barangay Pondol, Loon, Bohol identified as alias “Mark” of Barangay Sta. Cruz, Calape, Bohol and confiscated an estimated weight of 0.20 grams of suspected Shabu with Standard Drug Price amounting to P3,000.00, and the buy-bust money as pieces of evidence. Charges were being filed against him for Violation of Section 5 and 11 of Article II of R.A. 9165.

Finally, on August 15, 2023, one suspect identified as alias “Dandan” was arrested during a joint anti-illegal numbers game operation by the Provincial Intelligence Unit, Bohol PPO led by PCPT YOLANDO M BAGOTCHAY, JR and Loon MPS led by PCPT TAGSA at Barangay Pig-ot, Loon, Bohol after the police poseur bettor successfully placed his bet on the suspect and yielded to a confiscation of stub sheets, ballpen and bet money believed to be the proceeds of the illegal number games as pieces of evidence.

Further, all of the arrested suspects mentioned were all informed of their constitutional rights in the language best known to them and currently in the custody of Loon MPS and PIU, Bohol PPO.

Loon Municipal Police Station will continue to intensify the campaign against any forms of illegal activities and will arrests those violators of the law along with the aim to attain and maintain a safe, peaceful and progressive Loon which is also in line with the Aggressive and Honest Law Enforcement Operation, one of the 5-Focused Agenda of the Chief PNP, PGEN BENJAMIN C ACORDA, Jr, which focuses on an intensified anti-criminality campaign reinforced by strong inter-agency collaboration as well as the PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030.


Public Information Officer



