TESDA is offering FREE training for Driving NC II under Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). The Training facility will be at Loon Manpower Development…
TESDA is committed to delivering quality accessible and impactful programs and services with their guidang slogan ” Sa TESDA kayang kaya”
Training Documentaries of the Loon Manpower Development Center for SMAW and Bookkeeping Programs
Congratulations to the Graduates of Bookkeeping NC III, Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC I and Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II
Pre Entry Examination (AFPSAT, AQE and SWE) for Officer Candidate Course (OCC) and Candidate Soldier Course (CSC) Aspirants.
TESDA- Bohol Provincial Director Carlito F. Quintano and UTPRAS focal TESD Specialist II Rosemarie J. Bantol awarded the Certificate of Program Registration to Loon Manpower…
HILOT WELLNESS MASSAGE NCII (120 hours/15 days | Monday-Friday) Training for Work Scholarship Program
Municipal Ordinance No. 14-001 establishes the Loon Manpower Development Center and identifies the offices or positions that shall compose the Board of Trustees of the…
Certificate of AwardDownload Resolution No R-20111181Download